To enter the Women and Diversity in Law Awards, please click on the category you wish to enter and follow the instructions. It’s free and simple to enter.
Entry Instructions
Entry Instructions
The awards are open to people working in any capacity in the UK legal sector, so long as they meet the category criteria. The same principle applies to organisations and teams. Individuals may enter a maximum of three categories.
Please note that while the Outstanding Women Leaders and Outstanding Women Practitioners sections are reserved for women, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion section is open to everyone.
Time period
The awards recognise achievements in the period after September 2023, although it is understood that entries may touch on events prior to this date. For example, a case may have started before then. Equally, a case may not be complete, but a significant landmark may have been reached during the time period.
Rising stars
The rising star categories are reserved for lawyers who will have had no more than six years of post-qualification experience as of 7 November 2024 (the deadline for entries).
Each category has its own specific instructions and criteria. Read these instructions carefully and take care to follow them. The entry forms have strict word limits. In order to ensure an equitable process — and streamline judging for our panel — entrants must use the online form. When asked to provide evidence of success or achievement, back up your narrative with evidence, which will typically contain metrics. At the same time, set out to inspire the judges with a well-told story that paints a three-dimensional portrait of the individual, team, or business.
Supporting evidence
One piece of supporting evidence is permitted. However, remember that the judges are only likely to take this into account if they are impressed by the entry.
It isn’t possible to include HTML links in the online form. These can be added to the supporting document.
We may draw from you entry in order, for example, to highlight details of winning or highly commended entries. However, clearly marked confidential information will be respected.
Category selection
The organisers reserve the right to move entries to different categories if it is felt these are more appropriate.
Outstanding Women Leaders
Woman of the Year
Open to UK-based women in any role within the legal sector.
This award recognises exceptional achievement by a woman in the legal profession. This could be due to a particular project/campaign/case/deal or it could reflect achievement in a particular role, such as the leader of a legal business. She will demonstrate skill, judgement, leadership, and integrity and be guided by purpose and values, including a demonstrable commitment to furthering diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I). In doing so she will be an inspiration for future leaders.
As this is a highly competitive category, entrants are advised to make an additional entry in another relevant category.
Law Firm Leader of the Year – International Law Firm
Open to UK-based women in leadership positions within international law firms.
The winner will be an exceptional leader, setting and delivering on strategic goals while also ensuring the business operates ethically and with integrity, guided by purpose and values, including a demonstrable commitment to furthering DE&I. In doing so she will be an inspiration for future leaders.
Law Firm Leader of the Year – National/Regional Law Firm
Open to UK-based women in leadership positions within national or regional UK law firms.
The winner will be an exceptional leader, setting and delivering on strategic goals while also ensuring the business operates ethically and with integrity, guided by purpose and values, including a demonstrable commitment to furthering DE&I. In doing so she will be an inspiration for future leaders.

Law Firm Leader of the Year – Boutique or Chambers
Open to UK-based women in leadership positions within a boutique law firm or set of chambers.
The winner will be an exceptional leader, setting and delivering on strategic goals while also ensuring the business operates ethically and with integrity, guided by purpose and values, including a demonstrable commitment to furthering DE&I. In doing so she will be an inspiration for future leaders.
General Counsel of the Year
Open to UK-based general counsel.
The winner will be an exceptional leader, setting and delivering on strategic goals while also ensuring her team and organisation operate ethically and with integrity, guided by purpose and values, including a demonstrable commitment to furthering DE&I. In doing so she will be an inspiration for future leaders.
Business Leader of the Year
Open to UK-based women who are in leadership positions and/or are founders of suppliers to the legal sector.
This award recognises the crucial role of suppliers within the legal sector and the need for positive role models, particularly in certain fields such as legal tech. The winner will demonstrate skill, judgement, leadership, and integrity and be guided by purpose and values, including a demonstrable commitment to furthering DE&I.
Unsung Hero
Open to UK-based women who are not legal practitioners and who do not hold senior roles.
This award recognises the contribution being made to the legal profession by women who are making a special, but unsung, contribution to their organisation.
Returner of the Year
Open to UK-based women who have successfully returned to work after an extended period of leave or career break.
This award recognises the challenges associated with returning to work. In doing so, it is hoped that best practice can be gathered and collated for future returners.
Outstanding Women Practitioners
Advocate of the Year
Open to UK-based women court advocates.
The winner will have made an exceptional contribution to the legal profession through the quality of their legal work backed up by a commitment to furthering DE&I.
This category requires the entrant to focus on a particular case that exemplifies the quality of her work. The winner will have provided an outstanding result for her client and provide evidence of technical legal excellence, innovation, leadership, and client satisfaction as well as to furthering DE&I.
Dealmaker of the Year
Open to UK-based women transactional lawyers.
The winner will have made an exceptional contribution to the legal profession through the quality of their legal work backed up by a commitment to furthering DE&I. This category requires the entrant to focus on a standout matter that exemplifies the quality of her work.
The winner will have provided an outstanding result for her client and provide evidence of technical legal excellence, innovation, leadership, and client satisfaction as well as to furthering DE&I.
Disputes lawyer of the Year
Open to UK-based women disputes lawyers (see also Advocate of the Year, which recognises court-based work).
The winner will have made an exceptional contribution to the legal profession through the quality of their legal work backed up by a commitment to furthering DE&I. This category requires the entrant to focus on a particular case that exemplifies the quality of her work.
The winner will have provided an outstanding result for her client and provide evidence of technical legal excellence, innovation, leadership, and client satisfaction as well as to furthering DE&I.
Commercial Lawyer of the Year
Open to UK-based women commercial lawyers. Commercial is broadly defined as not related to deals, disputes, or court advocacy, for example employment, pensions, IT, private client, or family.
The winner will have made an exceptional contribution to the legal profession through the quality of their legal work backed up by a commitment to furthering DE&I. This category requires the entrant to focus on a particular matter that exemplifies the quality of her work. The winner will have provided an outstanding result for her client and provide evidence of technical legal excellence, innovation, leadership, and client satisfaction as well as to furthering DE&I.
In-house Counsel of the Year
Open to UK-based women in-house lawyers, focusing on their legal work (see also General Counsel of the Year in the Outstanding Women Leaders section).
The winner will have made an exceptional contribution to the legal profession through the quality of their legal work backed up by a commitment to furthering DE&I. This category requires the entrant to focus on a particular matter that exemplifies the quality of her work. The winner will have provided an outstanding result for her client and provide evidence of technical legal excellence, innovation, leadership, and client satisfaction as well as to furthering DE&I.
Rising Star – International Law Firm
Open to UK-based women lawyers at international law firms with no more than six years of post-qualification experience.
The winner will have made an exceptional start to their legal career through their legal work with the promise to be a future leader. They must also be making a wider contribution to the profession, helping to make it more diverse, equitable and inclusive.
Rising Star – National/Regional Law Firm
Open to UK-based women lawyers at national or regional UK law firms with no more than six years of post-qualification experience.
The winner will have made an exceptional start to their legal career through their legal work with the promise to be a future leader. They must also be making a wider contribution to the profession, helping to make it more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
Rising Star – Boutique Law Firm
Open to UK-based women lawyers at boutique law firms with no more than six years of post-qualification experience.
The winner will have made an exceptional start to their legal career through their legal work with the promise to be a future leader. They must also be making a wider contribution to the profession, helping to make it more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
Rising Star – In-house Lawyer
Open to UK-based women in-house lawyers with no more than six years of post-qualification experience.
The winner will have made an exceptional start to their legal career through their legal work with the promise to be a future leader. They must also be making a wider contribution to the profession, helping to make it more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
Rising Star - Practising Barrister
Open to UK-based women barristers practising at the independent Bar with no more than six years of experience as a practising lawyer, as of 7 November 2024.
The winner will have made an exceptional start to their legal career through their legal work with the promise to be a future leader. They must also be making a wider contribution to the profession, helping to make it more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Law Firm of the Year
Open to UK-based law firms and overseas firms with a substantial presence in the UK.
This award seeks to recognise the progress law firms are making towards improving their DE&I credentials. The judges will be looking to recognise an innovative DE&I strategy that is being implemented successfully. Internal initiatives, client work and collaborations, and community programmes are all likely to feature in the winning entry.
In-house Legal Department of the Year
Open to UK-based
legal departments.
This award recognises the crucial role clients play in improving DE&I within the legal profession. The judges will be looking to recognise an innovative strategy that is being implemented successfully. Internal initiatives within the department and across the business, engagement with external legal advisers, and community programmes are all likely to feature in the winning entry.
Not-for-Profit Organisation or Representative Body of the Year
Open to UK-based not-for-profit organisations and representative bodies.
This award seeks to recognise a charity, campaign group or representative body which, through its activities, is advancing the cause of DE&I within the legal sector. Entrants are required to outline a recent initiative that exemplifies its goals and values.
Supplier of the Year
Open to UK-based suppliers to the legal sector.
This award recognises products and services that are advancing DE&I in the legal profession. It will require entrants to focus on a new product or service that has been an outstanding success during the award period.
DE&I Champion of the Year in a Specialist Role
Open to UK-based individuals working in the legal sector who hold a specialist role in the field of DE&I.
This award recognises people who are making an exceptional contribution to the enhancement of DE&I within the legal sector in a specialist capacity. They can be at any level of seniority and can be team members as well as leaders.
DE&I Champion of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals working in the legal sector
This award recognises people who are making an exceptional contribution to the enhancement of DE&I within the legal sector leading DE&I related initiatives alongside their main roles, for example by leading a taskforce within their organisation or through their work on a representative body.
Mentor of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals working in any capacity within the legal sector.
This award recognises the vital importance of mentorship in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the legal profession. The mentor of the year will be someone who inspires others to be the best they can be, helping them to overcome obstacles that put them at a disadvantage when compared to colleagues and therefore achieve their full potential.
Age and Life Stage Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of age and life stage. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
Disability Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of disability. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
Environmental Sustainability Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered environmental sustainability. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
Gender Equality Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of gender equality. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
LGBT+ Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of LGBT+. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of mental health and wellbeing. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
Neurodiversity Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of neurodiversity. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
Race Equality or Faith Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of race equality or faith. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
Social mobility Initiative of the Year
Open to UK-based individuals and teams at law firms, chambers, and legal departments.
This award sets out to recognise an initiative that has successfully furthered diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of social mobility. It can relate to the business or institution, or it can be community focused.
DE&I Champion of the Year - Legal Services Professional
Open to UK-based individuals working in the legal sector
This award recognises people who are making an exceptional contribution to the enhancement of DE&I within the legal sector leading DE&I related initiatives alongside their main roles, for example by leading a taskforce within their organisation or through their work on a representative body.
DE&I Champion of the Year - In-House Lawyer
Open to UK-based individuals working in the legal sector
This award recognises people who are making an exceptional contribution to the enhancement of DE&I within the legal sector leading DE&I related initiatives alongside their main roles, for example by leading a taskforce within their organisation or through their work on a representative body.
DE&I Champion of the Year - Barrister
Open to UK-based individuals working in the legal sector
This award recognises people who are making an exceptional contribution to the enhancement of DE&I within the legal sector leading DE&I related initiatives alongside their main roles, for example by leading a taskforce within their organisation or through their work on a representative body.
DE&I Champion of the Year - Private Practice
Open to UK-based individuals working in the legal sector
This award recognises people who are making an exceptional contribution to the enhancement of DE&I within the legal sector leading DE&I related initiatives alongside their main roles, for example by leading a taskforce within their organisation or through their work on a representative body.