Alexandra Marks
Alexandra Marks
Solicitor, Part-Time Judge, Non-Executive Board Member and Chair

Alexandra qualified as a solicitor in 1983, and was an equity partner at Linklaters (1990-2003). She now sits as a Deputy High Court Judge, Recorder and fee-paid First Tier Tribunal Judge. She is also Presiding Chair of the Regulatory Tribunal, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

Alexandra was a Judicial Appointments Commissioner for six years until January 2018, and a Commissioner at the Criminal Cases Review Commission (investigating potential miscarriages of justice) for five years until October 2018. In 2008-09, she was Master of the Worshipful Company of Solicitors of the City of London, and President of the City of London Law Society.

Throughout her career, Alexandra has been keen to mentor and support young women, especially those within the legal profession.

Alexandra is currently a Council member of JUSTICE (the law reform and human rights organisation); a trustee of LawCare (the mental health and wellbeing charity for the legal professions and judiciary); Chair of The Hardman Trust (a charity supporting people on long prison sentences); and Chair of the trustees of Discover, Children’s Story Centre based in Newham. Formerly, she chaired Amnesty International Charity Limited; JUSTICE’s Executive Board; the Law Society’s Law Reform Board; and Prisoners’ Education Trust.

Alexandra received the Law Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016; was honoured with a CBE in 2017; and appointed an Honorary Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford in 2018.